Having a healthy bladder is important to all of us! The urinary system performs many functions, including (but not limited to); elimination, controlling levels of electrolytes and regulating blood pressure.
So what does the anatomy of the urinary system consist of?
‘The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The kidneys filter the blood to remove wastes and produce urine. The ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra together form the urinary tract, which acts as a plumbing system to drain urine from the kidneys, store it, and then release it during urination’. (InnerBody, 2018).

How can I take care of my bladder?
Bladder and Bowel Community (2018) make the following recommendations:
- Maintaining a healthy fluid intake (6-8 glasses of fluid per day). When you are not drinking enough, the bladder gets used to holding smaller amounts of urine and can become sensitive.
- Avoiding constipation and following a healthy diet. When the bowel does not empty properly it will swell up and push down onto the bladder. You can help avoid constipation by following a healthy diet.
- Pelvic floor exercises. The muscles in the pelvic floor provide support to the organs which sit within the pelvic cavity.
Urethral catheterisation
Sometimes, the bladder is unable to empty by itself and a catheter may be required. In some instances, an intermittent catheter can be used. This is a type of catheter which you can insert yourself when you go to the bathroom and withdraw as soon as you’ve emptied your bladder. The correct technique is usually taught by a nurse and whilst it’s not a sterile technique, it should be a clean one (Healthtalk.org, 2015), so it’s important clinician guidance is followed. There are various types of intermittent catheters available, so it’s not uncommon for people to experiment until they find one they get along with the best. You can find out more about our Intermittent Catheters and request a free sample here.
Other people may require an indwelling catheter and this remains inside the body, held in place by a small balloon which sits inside the bladder. It’s important that the catheter is fixated in place, as unsecured indwelling catheters increase the risk of pain, trauma and infection (Holroyd, S. 2016).
Ugo Urology catheter drainage & fixation devices
Optimum Medical have designed the Ugo Urology range with patients in mind. We understand the importance of having access to a choice. This is why our Ugo Urology range provides different catheter fixation options, all designed to reduce the risk of infection. This includes the Ugo Fix Gentle (catheter clip), Ugo Fix Catheter Strap and Ugo Fix Sleeve (leg bag holder).
We also offer choices for catheter drainage. Our community Ugo Leg Bags are available in 8 varieties, providing a choice around tubing length, type of tap and volume. Our Ugo 2L Drainage Bags give the option of single-use only or continuous drainage bags. For patients who are assessed as being suitable to use one, we offer the Ugo Catheter Valve. Healthtalk.org (2015) state that ‘many people prefer to use a catheter valve because it may reduce the risk of infection and blockage by intermittently flushing the catheter with urine.’