The busy international exhibition schedule is upon us once more. On the surface we’re all calm and collected, but behind the scenes it’s all go go go…
South African Urology Association (SAUA)
We’re back at the South African Urology Association (SAUA) congress from the 20th – 23rd September 2018. Once again we will be attending with our partner Grobir Medical Suppliers.
We’re delighted to be returning with a new product to introduce to urology doctors and nurses, our OptiLube Active CHG Free catheterisation jelly. OptiLube Active CHG Free is ideally suited to patients with sensitivities to chlorhexidine or where chlorhexidine is contraindicated.

German Society of Urology (DGU)
We’re then off to Germany from the 26th – 29th September 2018, where we’ll be exhibiting at the German Society of Urology (DGU) congress with our partner Aurosan. We’re absolutely delighted to be attending for the first time, showcasing Ugo Urology and our range of lubrication and catheterisation jellies.
With such a large portfolio of products at the show, we’ve split our products across two exhibitions stands. Ugo Urology on one, and across the hall you’ll find our lubrication and catheterisation jellies.
German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics (DGGG)
We’ll be back in Germany from the 31st October until the 3rd November 2018 exhibiting at the German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics (DGGG) congress. Again we’ll be attending with our partner Aurosan, presenting our extensive range of lubrication jellies that can be used for a wide range of gynaecological procedures and examinations.
Netherlands V & VN Urology Symposium
We’re attending the Netherlands Urology Symposium which is being held in Nijmegen on the 9th November. With a focus on urology, we’ll be showcasing the full Ugo Urology range and our catheterisation jellies. This is our first time attending the show and we’re delighted to be attending with our partner FVD Vooren.
And then its MEDICA….but we’ll save that update for another day.